Author: The DeliFair Team

Positive developments for the egg industry

Positive developments for the egg industry

The agreement reached between Mr. Giannis Vlachakis and Mr. Triantafyllos Zoura at the offices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food ended the years of efforts to create an Interprofessional Organization in the egg sector. The leaders of the two factions joined forces and reached an agreement to establish a Unified Interprofessional Organization. The…

APCI Pindos: over 60 years of taste!

APCI Pindos: over 60 years of taste!

The Agricultural Poultry Cooperative of Ioannina “H PINDOS”, is the largest primary agricultural cooperative in the country with 60 years of continuous presence in the Greek market. In 1958, 7 farmers from the Prefecture of Ioannina, at the urging of the World Council of Churches, decided to engage in poultry production as a supplement to…

“Become a Winemaker for a day”

“Become a Winemaker for a day”

The Association of Winemakers of Northern Greece and the educational organization WSPC (The place to study wine, spirits, coffee and beverages) organize the interactive online event “Become a Winemaker for one day”, which will take place on Holy Wednesday, April 28, 17: 30-19 : 30, hosted by the master of wine, Konstantinos Lazarakis. At the…

Vegan … changes

Vegan … changes

New, stricter rules are under consideration this week by the European Union institutions as part of an assessment of Amendment 171 which places restrictions on vegan companies on the use of terms such as “dairy”, “yogurt dessert” or “does not contain milk “or pictures on packaging reminiscent of dairy products, such as yogurt cans or…