South Korea: Greece is the 6th supplier of honey

19 October 2021

Leading European supplier of honey for South Korea is Greece, which in total, is in 6th place, having substantial competition mainly from non-European countries

According to a report by the ISD office of the Greek embassy in Seoul, the quality of Greek honey is highly valued, second only to the New Zealand “medicinal” honey, Manuka.
Although the current regime with the clauses of the EU Free Trade Agreement. – South Korea is not favorable for European (and consequently for Greek) honey, however, efforts are being made to adjust for better and easier market penetration. Today, according to the clauses, a low annual quota is set, which increases slowly and is available through auction, burdening the final price of the product.

On the contrary, the US Free Trade Agreement – South Korea is extremely favorable for American honey, which is gradually tending to dominate the market.
For this reason, following interventions by the ISD Office, the issue has been raised, both at the meetings of the MAAC (Market Access Advisory Committee) and at the EU Delegation in Seoul. In the context of the wider discussions on the prospects of modernization of the EU Free Trade Agreement. – Korea, it is proposed that the Greek side, with stability and consistency, make the request for an adjustment of the annual European honey quota to the standards of the KORUS Free Trade Agreement