Organic Wine Award International 2021: Gold to Helession

11 October 2021

The gold prize in the Organic Wine Award International 2021 competition in Germany – in the category Natural Organic Wines – received the aged red wine 2011 of the Food and Environment Organization “Helession”.

This distinction is a moral reward and justification of the company for the production of long-lasting wine, without chemicals and sulfites, based on ancient Greek standards.

The judges trusted their senses and the analysis of the wine and evaluated the quality of the wine “Aged Red” with 94 points per 100.
The wines of the Food and Environment Organization “Helession” are based on two very strong pillars: our ancient Greek heritage and naturalness – purity of natural winemaking.
The high-quality organic unrestrained wine of Org. Ilesion is a natural and red vinification with wild / native yeasts. It has not been added sulfites, flavors, chemicals and colors and is 100% grape! It did not undergo protein precipitation and was not filtered! Thus, almost all the antioxidants and polyphenols (luteolin, resveratrol, OPC, etc.) of the grapes passed into the body of the wine. That is why it is part of the Mediterranean diet and the French paradox.