Marra Wines: new label and entrance to Malagouzia

29 November 2021

The cultivation of malagouzia was started by the Marra Wines, who plan from the new year to launch a new label in their portfolio based on this new variety.

As the owner of the company, Konstantinos Marras, states in an interview, “This year, no new additions were made to the portfolio, but we will refresh our wines with the new vintage” and adds that this year’s production is forecast to be reduced by up to 40% due to new bad weather conditions. and the effects of the pandemic on the focus.
Although the winery wines are already exported to several countries, Mr. Marras is in contact with China and Russia, in order to be placed in the specific markets from 2022.

It is worth mentioning that the industrial winery, located in Zevgolatio, Corinth and acquired by Mr. Marras in 2000, has a capacity of 15,000 tons, started bottling bags and since 2005 started bottling bottles, now producing about 300,000 a year. Before it passed into the hands of the Marra family, it was a distillery, vinegar factory and concentrator, producing, among other things, petimezi.