Greece was honored at the 12th Cheese Festival

17 November 2021

Greece was honored at the 12th Cheese Festival, held in Belgrade.

The opening of the festival was made by the governor of Epirus, Alexandros Kachrimanis, and the ambassador of Greece to Serbia, George Diakofotakis, while the visitors of the exhibition had the opportunity to taste traditional Greek cheeses, such as:

• Feta
• Kefalotyri
• Graviera
• Cheese
• Manouri
• Myzithra
• Cascavali
• Metsovone

The most competitive Greek product in the world market
In statements made to APE-MPE, the governor of Epirus, Alexandros Kachrimanis, pointed out, among other things, that “cheeses are the most competitive Greek product in the world market. Greece’s privilege is that we have quality in the primary sector.” He added that “if we have the right rules and we follow them, the production of cheese products will be a great asset of our country, so that we do not go back to memoranda”. In addition to cheese products, Greek wines and honey were presented.