Greek olives are pioneers in Germany

9 November 2021

Greece is the leader in the export of fresh and frozen olives to Germany, while it remains second in the category of prepared or preserved olives, behind Spain.

According to data from the German Federal Statistical Office compiled by the Berlin Office of Economic and Commercial Affairs, in 2020 Greek exports of fresh and frozen olives to Germany reached 685.8 tons (from 479.7 tons in 2019) and at a value of 1.74 million euros (from 1.40 million euros in 2019), leaving far behind Italy (579,000 euros), the Netherlands (264,000 euros) and Spain (208.00 euros).

In the category of prepared or preserved (vinegar-free) olives, our country maintained its difference with the pioneer Spain in terms of value, with its exports amounting to 18,323.6 tons and 43.50 million euros, compared to 36,728, 4 tonnes and EUR 47.5 million for Spain. Turkey is still far behind Greece, with 9,977 tons and 23.4 million euros, followed by Italy and the Netherlands.

As the Berlin ISD Office points out, German imports of processed and preserved olives are on the rise, which is attributed to the growing trend in German eating habits of consuming gourmet finished olive-based products, such as olive creams with pepper, have a long life horizon.