TikTok “ally” of restaurants

12 October 2021

36% of TikTok users order from restaurants after seeing them in the app.

Tik Tok contributes to the development of restaurants, at least MGH surveyed 701 TikTok users. According to the survey, 36% of users order from restaurants they have seen in the application.
In fact, the company found that 36% visited restaurants after watching TikTok videos with businesses, while about 55% of survey users said they wanted to visit restaurants because the videos with the food looked appealing.

It is worth noting that 20% of TikTok users reported traveling to a different city to visit a restaurant they had seen at TikTok.
That’s why well-known restaurant chains including Chipotle and Arby’s have recently launched campaigns on the app, which has 65 million monthly users in the United States.