Lux: Wins “Greek Business Champion of the Decade” Award

4 August 2021

In the awards-institution for the Greek business, the “Protagonists of the Greek Economy”, Lux stood out for its financial performance during the decade 2010-2020.

In particular, among a number of companies, Lux won the honorary distinction of “Greek Business Champion of the Decade”, as a company that achieved an increase in turnover and profits before taxes of more than 50% comparing the financial year 2010 with that of 2019 “The protagonists of the Greek Economy” held for the 6th year, aims to highlight dynamic companies with vision, long-term planning, and continuous investment.

It is worth noting that the Lux award was received by the Vice President of the company, Platonas Marlafekas and as he stressed “The distinction of Lux, in an event dedicated to companies that” star “in the country’s economy, is a reward for its course so far but and a guarantee of growth in the coming decades “.