Mantis: He collaborates with the Nea Anchialos cooperative for Tsipouro Kalaitzi

20 July 2021

In the coming months its release in the Greek market

Tsipouro Kalaitzi is expected to be released in the Greek market in the coming months, which marks the entry of Mantis in the production of spirits. Specifically, tsipouro is expected to be placed, both in the retail and catering channel, internally, as it will be available in specialized stores, such as wineries, as well as in a number of supermarkets, while, at the same time, they will be developed. collaborations with catering companies.

Tsipouro Kalaitzi is expected to be released in the Greek market in the coming months, which marks the entry of Mantis in the production of spirits. Specifically, tsipouro is expected to be placed, both in the retail and catering channel, internally, as it will be available in specialized stores, such as wineries, as well as in a number of supermarkets, while, at the same time, they will be developed. collaborations with catering companies.
In the second phase, the company plans exports to markets outside Greece, after first conquering its own space in the Greek market and creating the right conditions for the next step. “Mantis’ goal is to successfully meet the expectations of consumers and gain a place in their hearts, while creating a new culture that will go beyond the borders of the country, highlighting the values ​​of Greek drinks around the world,” notes the company.

The cooperation with the Agricultural Wine Cooperative of Nea Anchialos “Dimitra”

In this new venture, Mantis collaborates with the Agricultural Wine Cooperative of Nea Anchialos “I Dimitra”, which is based in Volos. Tsipouro Kalaitzis is produced and bottled at the facilities of the Thessalian cooperative under the close supervision of the Mantis group and in collaboration with a team of experienced oenologists and distillers. It should be noted that the cooperative, founded in 1918, received in 1981 from the Ministry of Rural Development the license for the bottling of wine, which has since been marketed under the name Rua Matt. In 2000, the first modern distillery-distillery unit was inaugurated in the privately owned facilities of the cooperative for the production of Thessalian Tsipouro, while in 2010, the expansion of this unit was completed, which doubled the production capacity, to meet the increased demand for distillate. Apart from Thessalian Tsipouro, Tsipouro 18 is also part of the cooperative’s portfolio. As for Tsipouro Kalaitzis, its history begins almost a century ago, by Charalambos Krommidas while the recipe has now been passed on to his grandchildren.