Organic tea Grandpa Jos

Mountain tea is one of the most widespread aromatic plants in the Greek countryside and its cultivation is found in antiquity, while it is characterized by its analgesic, antioxidant and healing properties.

Mountain Tea (Siderite) Grandpa JOS, is an organic crop that is environmentally friendly in biodegradable sachets! Ten unique biodegradable sachets that strongly retain their flavor and aroma for months.

Greek mountain tea (Sideritis, Sideritis) that was not missing from any house in the past and was the first decoction that someone prepared for the common cold, finds its place again in the kitchen, but also in the scientific community, which ranks among the beneficial drinks for the body. 

Mountain tea (Sideritis) contains a variety of ingredients such as flavonoids, diterpenes, phenylpropane, iridoids, monoterpenes. In recent years, laboratory studies have been done for its beneficial effect by the Universities of Patras and Ioannina, while the University of Athens in a study claims that Sideritis extracts can contribute preventively to osteoporosis, as they protect against loss of bone density.

Additional studies from Germany suggest that mountain tea (Sideritis) may protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Mountain tea (Sideritis) has no stimulating effect and can be consumed the night before bed.

To take advantage of its beneficial properties, boil the water and just before it boils, remove it from the heat, then pour in the mountain tea, leave it for 3-4 minutes, strain it and drink it. Add honey, cinnamon, lemon for extra flavor