Natural Mineral Water THEONI 28 International Quality Awards

One Gold, two Grand Gold and one International High Quality Trophy from the Monde Selection Organization

Theoni Mineral Natural Water announced the completion of 28 International Quality Awards, maintaining the position of the most Award-winning Greek Water in the world.

As part of this year’s Monde Selection Awards 2021, THEONI managed to win the Gold Award for its carbonated version, two Grand Gold Quality Awards for its glass and pet packaging, while it has also been awarded the highest award, the plaque International High Quality Trophy.

For the seventh consecutive year, the international organization Monde Selection singles out and awards the Natural Mineral Water THEONI, the “diamond” that naturally flows from Pigi Goura and is distinguished for its pH value of 8 and for its unique quality characteristics that have made it in the most Award-winning Greek Water in the World.

The President and CEO of THEONI SA, Mr. Dimitris Tselios, said: “We warmly thank the International Organization Monde Selection for the award it gives for another year to THEONI, in Greek water that in a few years has managed to is a distinguished brand name in both the domestic and international market. We are committed that this trust in our products will continue to be a driving force for the future, consistently aiming to create a superior water consumption experience “.

It is worth noting that the International High Quality Trophy is awarded to products that have been awarded at least three consecutive years with Gold Quality Award or Grand Gold Quality Award by the organization Monde Selection. After 2017, THEONI is honored for the 2nd time with this distinction, as it receives the Gold Quality Award from the Monde Selection Organization every year from 2015 until today.

Monde Selection
Monde Selection offers a global consumer product rating. Each year a team of independent experts spends time analyzing each product individually, based on 25 parameters covering aesthetic, scientific and legal aspects, of paramount importance to consumers. Despite the difficult global conditions in the context of the pandemic, the Monde Selection event gathered a large number of participants this year, as more than 1,000 companies from 90 different countries participated.