Change of date of the 7th Pancretan Olive Oil Competition

20 April 2021

A new date was announced by the Region of Crete for the conduct of the 7th Pancretan Olive Oil Competition, while the Laboratory of Organoleptic Evaluation of Olive Oil of Rethymnon AS will continue to receive samples.

The new date is set for Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 June 2021. Restrictive health measures, as in force today could not serve the participation of judges and their hospitality in Crete, so it was deemed necessary to postpone the organoleptic evaluation for the above dates.

According to the latest data for the 7th competition, applications will be accepted on the competition platform until Friday, May 28, 2021.

The Laboratory of Organoleptic Evaluation of Olive Oil of Rethymno, assures the participants that the samples will be kept in suitable conditions, in a special refrigerator, until the day of their evaluation, by the team of testers. For any clarification regarding the samples, those interested should contact the Laboratory of Organoleptic Evaluation of Olive Oil of Rethymno (Eleftheria Germanaki, tel. 2831086143 & 2831200883).

Those interested can get more information about their participation and submission of applications on the website of the competition or by contacting the Agri-Food Partnership of the Region of Crete at 2813 410234, 28313 40705 & 697 9552 591 or by e-mail [email protected]