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Organic Oregano from Epirus, Greece

Organic Oregano from Epirus, Greece


Short and bushy shrub with woody trunk without elasticity, its thin branches form flowering heads on the edges, the leaves are oval-shaped, plush and of grey color, they give off a pleasant aromatic odor if rubbed. The Greek Oregano is an herbaceous perennial plant and its quality is considered one of the best in the world. On top of the characteristic aroma and flavor, oregano has many medicinal properties, such as the active ingredient carvacrol(known pharmaceutically).


Used primarily as a seasoning for cooking and rarely as an infusion referred to as excellent against cough. In Greek cuisine oregano has a prominent place, as it is much used in salads, meats, sauces and accompanies the famous “feta cheese”.


It is an excellent medicinal herb (natural antibiotic) with antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The infusion of oregano helps hypertension and atherosclerosis. In the form of gurgling, it is used against inflammation and ulcers of the mouth and tonsils.

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