Fruits and vegetables at the top of Greek exports

17 December 2021

Fruits and vegetables at the top of exports to the Netherlands in 9 months

The most important export product of Greece in the Netherlands remain fruits and vegetables, along with medicines, according to the latest data from the Statistical Service of the Netherlands for Greek-Dutch trade, during the period January – September 2021.

Συγκεκριμένα, όπως αναφέρει το Γραφείο Οικονομικών και Εμπορικών Υποθέσεων της ελληνικής πρεσβείας στη Χάγη, κατά το εννεάμηνο αυτό

Specifically, according to the Office of Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Greek Embassy in The Hague, during this nine months Greek fruit and vegetable exports to the Netherlands increased by 20.6% on an annual basis and reached 82 million euros, while it was also remarkable. the increase of exports of fish, fish preparations, shellfish and molluscs, which reached + 57.1%.
“Various food products – preparations” also moved strongly up to + 66.7%, as well as cereals and cereal preparations (+ 20%).

On the other side, the category of dairy products was one of the few that moved downwards, by 13.3%, falling to 13 million euros.
In terms of imports from the Netherlands, meat and meat products were the second largest category after medicines, despite a 11.3% decrease in imports (EUR 181 million), followed by dairy products in fourth place, with a small decrease of 3.9% (EUR 100 million).