P&G – ΑΒ: They support a program for cleaner Greek seas

The “Offer” program is implemented in collaboration with the Environmental Organization iSea and to date a total of more than 46 tons of waste has been collected

P&G and its products such as Ariel, Fairy, Pampers and AB Vassilopoulos, carried out for the 4th year the “Offer” program with the aim of cleaning the Greek seas and coasts from waste. This year, despite the special conditions due to the pandemic, the actions continued with underwater cleanups by the diving team of iSea in collaboration with local diving centers and other bodies, successfully completing 60 additional underwater cleanups in the North Aegean.

In particular, in the framework of the “Offer” program, which has been implemented since May 2018, more than 138 coastal and underwater clean-ups have been completed, while more than 46 tons of waste have been collected and removed.

“Under the weight of the Covid-19 health crisis, we all had to rethink our areas of action at this time and focus on tackling this unprecedented crisis. Eventually it became clear that our health and the health of the planet are interrelated concepts. It was therefore important that actions in the field of environmental protection continue and be strengthened even more “, said Ms. Anastasia Haritou, Program Manager of the iSea Environmental Organization, emphasizing that” We are all very proud that we managed to complete the cleaning actions for the 4th year. we plan and implement from 2018, despite the difficulties we faced due to the health crisis. The “Offer” program is a great initiative that contributes drastically to the cleaning of the Greek seas and coasts and acts as a catalyst in raising awareness and informing citizens about water waste. Through this initiative and the significant support of consumers and volunteers, we all come together as a team and face this environmental challenge together. Our goal is to continue our work, so that we can all enjoy cleaner seas and coasts in our Greece “.