Superior Taste Award 2021: 2,218 products were awarded by the committee of the International Taste Institute

14 June 2021

Diamond award and 3 stars for the 182 Greek foods and drinks that participated in the event.

The International Taste Institute (ITQI) of Brussels published the 182 Greek products that were distinguished with a Superior Taste Award after blind taste evaluations by the chefs and sommelier of the Institute.

In 2021 there was a 45% increase in the number of products that were submitted to the Institute’s taste assessments, with great growth in the submission of products related to health and sustainability. In total, the International Taste Institute committee awarded 2,218 products, food and beverages with the Superior Taste Award 2021, while 29 Crystal Taste Awards were presented, which are awarded to products that have received 3 stars for 3 consecutive years, and 10 Diamond Taste Awards , which are awarded to products that have received 3 stars 7 times over a period of 10 years.
Of the 10 Diamond Awards that were awarded, 2 came to Greece. The Natural Mineral Water Seli from the company S. Mentekidis SA and the water Piges Kostilatas in Epirus from the company Piges Kostilatas SA received this highest distinction. In addition, 20 Greek products were awarded with 3 stars.
It should be noted that this year the Greek participations in the international competition of ITQI were increased by 15%, while the sector with the most participations from the Greek side was that of dairy products.
It is worth noting that – apart from dairy – a category, which gathered several entries from Greece during this year, were the spreads, where the Real & Honest brand made its presence felt with several entries and awards, being the new entrant player of the category.
It is noted that, for reasons related to the companies’ strategy, the list of winners does not announce products that have not yet been launched in the market.
You can see the full list here.