Double distinction at the Sommeliers Choice Awards for the Nikos Lazaridis estate

28 June 2021

At the 3rd annual Sommeliers Choice Awards, held in San Francisco, NIKO LAZARIDI estate managed to win two awards with the two wines with which it participated: Gold medal for Perpetuus Red 2017 and Silver for the Cavalieri Lazaridi White 2019.

In this competition the wines are judged by sommeliers, wine market executives and wine experts. Medals are given to wines that meet very specific criteria, with the ultimate goal of distinguishing what is appropriate to be included in restaurant wine lists. The wines are judged based on how well they are combined with food and their general “versatility” and “flexibility” while extra points are given to wines that have a good value for money. More specifically, the total score of each wine is the sum of the ratings given in the categories “Food Parability”, “Typicity”, “Quality”, “Value” and “Packaging”.

The PERPETUUS harvest 2017 (60% Cabernet Franc, 40% Mavroudi) won the Gold Medal, earning points for Quality (91/100) and Packaging (92/100). The judges singled it out for its velvety texture, locating flavors of wild berries, cherries, tobacco and lavender. They distinguished its ability to evolve over the next 10 years and to be an ideal pairing in dishes with wild boar and pasta
Perpetuus 2017 has also been distinguished with the Silver Medal Mundus Vini Spring Tasting that was held earlier this year in Germany.

The CAVALIERI LAZARIDI White of 2019 (70% Assyrtiko, 15% Sauvignon Blanc, 15% Ugni Blanc) won the Silver Medal, scoring high in the categories “Food Palatability” (86/100), “Typicity” & “Quality” (85 / 100). The complex white wine that with the special vinification (a percentage of Assyrtikos completes the fermentation in new acacia barrels) stood out for its rich and full body with a long aftertaste.
The Cavalieri Lazaridi 2019 has also been distinguished with the Gold Medal at last year’s Asia Wine Trophy that took place in South Korea.