Geographical indications for ouzo – tsipouro / tsikoudia approved by the European Commission

The Geographical Indications (WTO) for “Ouzo” and “Tsipouro / Tsikoudia” were approved by the European Commission for entry in the international register of the Geneva Act of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

According to an announcement by the Association of Greek Producers of Spirits & Alcoholic Beverages, the approval was achieved after coordinated efforts by SEAOP, ENAPAPE and the Services of the General State Chemist.

“Our products” Ouzo “and” Tsipouro / Tsikoudia “are now becoming even stronger in the international markets because they will be able to enjoy protection in the States Parties to the Lisbon International Agreement, just as they are protected in the EU. They also gain a significant bargaining chip in EU talks with third countries on bilateral recognition of Geographical Indications. “They can no longer be easily excluded from talks and agreements,” Nikos Kalogiannis, president of SEAOP, said in a statement.

Also important, according to SEAOP, is that a direct legal interest is recognized in the protection of “Ouzo” & “Tsipouro / Tsikoudias” of the sectoral bodies, which facilitates their presentation before any competent Authority on issues related to these indications.