SEVE Research: 60% of the F&B Sector expects increased exports for the 6 months

6 August 2021

51% of Greek exporters plan to participate in digital actions to strengthen extroversion

According to the new research of SEVE, the Greek exporters are more optimistic in relation to last year’s turmoil brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, in this new survey by the Association of Exporters SEVE, the improvement of the Export Expectations Index is noticeable, recording the second best performance since 2016.

Improved expectations are mainly due to higher rates of exports and domestic sales. In these two sections, more than 90% of respondents said they expected improvement or stability.
Respectively, estimates of international and domestic economic conditions were more optimistic than the previous results, with about one in four (25% in international economic conditions and 29% in domestic economic conditions) expecting a deterioration.

Regarding the question, “how did the pandemic affect the company’s exports” of the participants, 44% said that they were negatively affected. In the same context, 73% stated that they have not integrated online B2B and B2C export sales platforms, 51% that they plan to participate in digital actions to strengthen extroversion and 69% that they have a plan for the development of exports that will take place with the end of the pandemic.
It is worth noting that Greek exports recorded a significant increase of € 3 billion in the first five months of 2021, a change almost equal to the decrease they recorded in the whole of 2020. In fact, this performance is a record for Greek exports.