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Event Details

Meet the Producer | The experiences of Greek nature and tradition today, through “Arritos” herbal blends

We compose blends of organic herbs, flowers and fruits exclusively from the Greek land, inspired by experiences of the Greek nature and memories of our tradition. Each blend has a different character and its own aromatic and taste identity. They combined, not only based on their properties, but also based on their taste and aromas, so that they can be a very pleasant drink and not just a beneficial one. The different product lines we have are addressed, to grocery stores and delicatessens, or to restaurants and cafe in Ho.Re.Ca packaging and also, to concept stores, with our innovative product. Our blends except of being a pleasant drink can be used in kitchen and pastry or in creative ways by professionals in the field of gastronomy. Greek herbs consist an indispensable part of your tradition. Our vision is to enter them into the modern gastronomy and travel them worldwide

Event Info

  • Event Type

    Company/Product Presentation
  • Start

    02 March 2021 - 14:15
  • End

    02 March 2021 - 14:30
  • Guest Speaker

    Βιβή Βιβή